January 20, 2013

Beetnik's, Green Eyed Snakes and Powder Stashes - Crested Butted, CO

Its almost the end of January...still trying to stay positive, but its starting to feel all too much like last season.  But that didn't keep the crew from having fun last week in CB.  We spent our days touring and looking for powder stashes and the evenings well....re-hydrating and re-fueling for the next days adventure.  

Purple Mountain Cirque
Post Wolverine Basin

The Red Lady - Mt Emmons
Playing in.....yup that's POWDA - Drew
Cheers to Shuttles

Oro n Platino - Montanya Distillers
check out their amazing drink recipes

Bella - the Alembic Copper Pot Still
read about the distilling process

Evenings Haze after too much Re-hydrating

Thomas testing his Lycopene enhanced eye site

Untouched Goodness in Wolverine Basin

The Crew - awaiting our Beetnik's (beet infused vodka, and ginger martini)
Dogwood Cocktail Cabin